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[Taihang metal] aluminum industry is expected to become a hot spot for Chinese enterprises to invest in Thailand.

 Date:2019-04-28 Popularity:704

[Taihang metal] aluminum industry is expected to become a hot spot for Chinese enterprises to invest in Thailand.

Wang Shupu said that Thailand has made full preparations for the production of automobiles. The annual output of automobiles is considerable. It has a lot of skilled labor and a mature supply chain of automotive parts. Auto parts suppliers can produce high-quality parts. Data show that in recent years, Thailand's total car sales increased year by year, 2017 on the basis of 2016 year-on-year growth of 13.38%.
"New electric vehicles will be the first to reduce weight, and they will prefer aluminum body structure." Wang Shupu said, "this will significantly increase the consumption of aluminum materials." Extruded aluminum profiles are widely used in automobiles, including boarding pedals, roof racks, window frames, reinforced bumpers, joints and accessories, aluminum body frames, ABS / ESP manifolds, suspensions, etc.
Thanthach Ritthinam, vice chairman of the Thai Association of Auto Parts Manufacturers, also said Thailand is the largest auto manufacturing center in Southeast Asia. Many world-renowned auto companies have factories in Thailand and the auto industry contributes 12% to Thailand's GDP. Specifically, Thailand's auto parts industry is an important factor to support the rapid development of Thailand's auto industry. More than 60% of the world's top 100 auto parts suppliers have production hubs in Thailand.
The Thai auto industry is shifting from a production base to a more advanced production and R&D base, according to Santam Lithnan. Lightweight development is regarded as the next goal of the automotive parts industry, and aluminum materials as one of the important materials in the future, its processing and technology research and development will be valued and vigorously promoted to promote the sustainable development of lightweight materials. As Thailand can not produce its own raw aluminum without aluminium ore, raw materials and related semi-finished products industries need to import a lot, so cooperation with China will have more possibilities and opportunities.
At the same time, in the past two years, Thailand has given many preferential policies in attracting foreign investment to run factories, and the Thai government has adopted supportive policies on Sino-Thai trade.
Perapat Uthaisri, Director-General of the Certificate of Origin Administration and Import Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Thailand, said that the Thai government is vigorously promoting industrial 4.0 construction, that is, economic development focuses on innovation-driven, high-speed rail, double-track industrial ports, motor lanes and other infrastructure construction has accelerated, and trade has developed rapidly. Coupled with China's "one belt and one road" initiative, China and Thailand have promoted cooperation and interconnection, making many Chinese businessmen interested in investing in Thailand.
Perapart Uthersri also suggested that Chinese aluminium producers invest in Thailand to avoid the risk of tax increases from the European Union and the United States. It was reported that nearly 100 Thai products enjoyed trade remedies from other countries, including 12 products enjoyed U. S. measures and 5 products enjoyed EU measures.

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